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Principal's Message


Phone: (910) 875-4182

Qualifications: Bachelors Degree in English Language and Literature Masters Degree in English Language and Literature Masters Degree in School Administration

Mr. Demarious McNeill


I am the proud Principal of Scurlock Elementary School. I hope you will be able to find answers to any questions you may have. At Scurlock Elementary School, we have high expectations for every student that crosses our threshold and we are “intentional” in everything that we do. It is our desire to build a culture of innovation that encourages students to find greatness within themselves and use that to create new opportunities. When that happens, the possibilities are “boundless.”

We believe that the partnership between school and home is key in the success of our students. We have many opportunities for you to get involved. Here are a few ways you can support your child’s learning:

  • Make sure your child attends school, arrives on time, and is ready to learn.
  • Ask your child daily to share what they have learned at school.
  • Check your child’s agenda and homework each night.
  • Read with your child and engage them in dialogue about what they are reading.
  • Encourage your child to join a student club/organization that interests them.
  • Communicate with your teacher on a regular basis to discuss your child’s performance.
  • Be involved by volunteering in the classroom and attending parent conferences, curriculum nights, and other school events.
  • Join our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

Please stay connected by visiting our school, connect with our teachers and follow us on all our social media platforms.

I look forward to working with you,

Mr. McNeill